GAL Carso, what is it?


The Local Action Group of Karst is a development agency of the Karst, focused on supporting farming and tourism. Our agency supports the area of Karst in Italy (while there is another agency based in Sežana for the other ‘piece’ of Karst, in Slovenia).

The municipalities of the Karst, the provinces of Triest and Gorizia, the associations of farmers as well as ZKB bank are all members of GAL.

GAL is one of the 2,000 agencies supported by European policies for Rural Development.


In order to help the citizens of the Karst, GAL publishes thematic tenders to fund specific areas, activities and beneficiaries. Funding applications are assessed with objective criteria, as required by European legislation.

For example: the tender for citizens interested in opening a b&b, saw applications for funding being ranked. Among the criteria considered for additional scores were: young age; unemployment and being a woman.

It is important to note that the procedure to access the funding, which is mandatory for all applicants, is full of bureaucratic hurdles as defined by European, national and regional laws. Every application will therefore require each applicant to invest time in the process.

To date, all those who applied were ranked and eventually funded, with the exception of those who did not meet the requirements to access to the funding. For example, the b&b application was rejected as the applicant did not own the property.


Between 2012 and 2015 GAL co-funded the following:

114 new sleeping accommodations for tourists, for a total of 358.000 € used for the refurbishing of 7 farm houses and 6 b&b.

5 woodland areas of the Karst have been refurbished, including paths for the public, for a total of 242.000 € given to citizens.

3 projects dedicated to the enhancement of typical local by local authorities, total investment of 115.000 €

23 cultural projects for locals and tourists, aiming to explain what the Karst is, its identity, its areas and its products. These projects received a funding of 595.000 e coming from public money intended for associations and local authorities.

Promotion of Karstand its events and the national Wine and Food Fair “Tipicità” which was held in the Marche region in March 2015, and saw over 700 people taking part to the activities in the GAL stand.

3 local farmers markets supported by GAL in spring 2015 with an investment of about 30.000 €.


In the coming months, the GAL will have to decide on how to invest the next seven years and 3 million € for the purposes described and for the Karst vision we all share.

It is the also the duty of the Karst citizens to the voice their needs.

How should GAL carry on its work?

What should GAL fund next?

What changes in the Karst should be supported?

Please contact GAL for cooperating together for our shared future.